HOME > Ken-no House H3 > Do you hear children?

- Our environment is mother's milk
Many people are worried about children being increasingly targetted in devious crimes、and also the problem of younger and younger children being involved in criminal activity in our society. I admire the many people who are supporting children in various ways but there are still so many kids caught up in problems of drugs, violence, prostitution etc., and even more shocking are the ones involved in murder committed inside one's own home. Parents killing their children, and children killing their parents. It is too horrible to even talk about. We feel completely taken by surprise when we hear about such incidents and yet it is not uncommon to hear someone saying "not again".
Why?What's the solution?Once we start thinking about it, we feel we must first do something to care for these children involved. However, when such problems arise and we try to solve them we find that new ones keep appearing and we feel that an improved society is far out of reach. Using a bandaid approach is limited, we need to cut the roots of the problem even though it seems impossible at the moment. The roots of the problem are born in the gaps of society and they grow and grow until they protrude to the surface. You can't believe it has grown overnight and controlled the children to commit a crime. The society gap is a vicious circle. Stress is increasing in everyday life. Nature and communication in which we resort to handle our stress and keep our mental health balance is decreasing.
We don't realise how much influence parents have on their kids until we see infant children absorbing the speech and behaviour of the parents regardless of whether it is good or bad, like a sponge absorbing water.
- Importance of [the everyday]
Can't we do anything? No matter how hard we search we can't find a magical cure. As for the above mentioned social problems there is no simple cure because the cause is different in each case. The problems announced on the news are only the surface of the problem. They are so unusual so we tend to see them as unrealistic. The causes however are born in everyday life through work and parenting and without our realising it they grow and spread in our everyday life or maybe even become our everyday life itself, over extended periods of time, until the problem rears its ugly head.
The damage caused over a long period of time requires extensive healing. Of course prevention is better than cure. We must stop these problems from arising from the everyday. Firstly we have to start thinking about the "everyday" life. Everyday occurrences are normal but they are definitely not harmless.
Are you and your family being affected positively or negatively by your home. These influences may be only small when experienced daily but in the long term that can have immeasurable impact on our life. Take a second look at the everyday living environment inside your home, if it's necessary change it. In doing so, you will see improvements in the near future.
- Influence of the house on the mind and the brain
I think everyone, to some extent, experiences feelings depending on where they are. This depends on the shape and size of the space, feel of materials, colour, sound, smell, light, and visuals. People have always been greatly influenced by the surroundings. Some will feel the serenity of the veranda, while others the cosiness of the attic. There will even be those who feel nervous to enter a spotless white room. Whether or not you are conscious of it, our subconscious is continually receiving messages from our surroundings through our senses, especially our sight. Research has shown that the survival ratio of baby mice is greatly influenced by the living environment and pressures exerted on them by people.
It is the parents who control the growth of the child's body and mind. When we are exhausted, we hurt our children's feelings and they absorb that tiredness into their own bodies. Children have a limited childhood. It is definitely not a long time to shape the person that they will become for the rest of their life. It is so important to play in the park or take a trip to explore nature on the weekends. Simply, making small things from everyday life important, we will be able to make a solid base for improvement.
- Enrich the home
The house is the stage for everyday life.The big difference in a Ken-no House is the number of experiences. In architecture, it is the house that should bear the role as spiritual carer. This may sound exaggerated but looking at the current condition, you should start with what you can do.
I have heard of the case where a child who was emotionally unstable changed drastically and became much calmer just by having the clutter within the house cleared. Or you could try thinking about the colour of the room. It doesn't have to be walls or ceilings, you can start with curtains or bed covers. Try thinking about morning sunshine, the wind, or the pitter patter of the rain. Also the lighting furniture and bulbs. There are many things that can be done that do not cost a lot of money. By thinking about your living space together with your family you have already taken a big step.
It is difficult to change the whole of society in one go, but by changing just one house, its effect spreads to its neighbours and to the suburb and then the town and the world and we become closer to solving this social problem. If the effect progresses from architecture to the fields of childcare, education, medicine, literature, science etc.,and we all face the same goal and co-operate we will make a society with such a strong heart. After reading this, if you take action to change, I hope that someday our efforts will meet because we will have changed the world.